Sunday, June 9, 2013

Photo Essay

Robert Lenneville (90), grimaces at the cold air as he wait for a ride from his retirement home to community band rehearsal. Prior to complications with his health he maintained a rigorous practice schedule of nearly 5 hours per day.

My grandfather carefully lifts his trumpet as he prepares to embark in his ride. He no longer drives and employs a woman to get him to his daily appointments including his daily trip to the gym. 

Close Up
Robert "Bob" Lenneville's hands are shown in detail. They are weathered from his service in the military, but agile from his 76 years as a trumpet player.

How To
My grandfather practices his favorite brain training games online. He wants to improve his memory, attention, mental flexibility, speed and brain health. He spends a substantial amount of time honing his thinking skills. 

A quiet moment is shared with my grandfather as we make small talk and reflect on the events of the day. 

My Grandfather and his friend, a retired pilot, share stories from their experiences in the military over waffles and warm strawberries. They eat together at every meal despite having met only two months ago. 

After a long, eventful day, Robert "Bob" Lenneville returns from the band practice to relax and set his schedule for the next week.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Exquisite Corpse

The Exquisite Corpse is a form of art created by collaboration. Everyone in class helped to craft a mosaic image. We worked by rotation and added our images to blend the final result. Some of the images are really striking, it is amazing what a group of people can do by working together.